Not sure if ya’ll have tried this ice cream, but you should.
It is delicious.

That had nothing to do with my wrap-up but more of a public service announcement 
This past Saturday we picked up my nephew Joey from my brother & sister-n-law who were down from TN. Joey will be down for a couple of weeks and living like a gypsy going from house to house visiting.
Then we headed out to my brother-n-laws and celebrated my niece and nephews graduation from high school. We had a great time and ate some delicious BBQ.
So proud of them.

On Sunday we celebrated Father’s Day.
Brad liked all his goodies especially this shirt

We spent the rest of the day at my parents so the kids could swim.

Monday – Wednesday we really just chilled out at the house and went to my parents again for the boys to swim.
Tilda enjoys when everyone just chills out.

Yesterday we drove out to the beach to have a day of fun in the sun

In other news my Ipsy bag finally came in today. Woo To The Who

But on a sad note baby Matt’s summer rash is back
. Good thing we have his Genesis spray from last year and he is on Benadryl to keep it under control.

Have a great weekend.