Friday, December 31, 2010

Why Do I Even Bother

Me and my son had a great morning
got up - great
had breakfast - great
got dressed - great
went to Lowes, out to lunch and then to the money stealer (i.e. Grocery Store) – great
Get home and it’s time to put groceries away --------Not So Great
I come in the house to him sprawled out on the kitchen floor because he is soooooooo tired and did not feel well after putting away 3 bags of groceries….
Wow really it’s not like I don’t have to put away groceries at least twice a week by myself….
Anywho I did not feel like dealing with the drama of it all so I told him to move out of the floor and go lay down so I could at least maneuver around the kitchen.
I am on my last bag of groceries and his friend comes over and wants to play and of course I tell him he can’t because he is laying down…I mean he was soo tired and all.
Guess who was not tired anymore.
I will give you three guesses, but I am sure you will only need one.
And he thought it would be cute to say well you said I need to get more exercise…Ummm seriously your gonna throw that in my face right now.
Not only did he play me, but he was also sassing at me too. I was already a tad bit ticked off that I had just put all the groceries away by myself. 
I mean hello I was tired too.
Well since he was so wide awake and needed to burn some calories I sent him to his room to clean it.
*****Insert Evil Laugh*****

I guess next time he feels he has the right to do whatever he wants
He will think twice.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Yep it's that kind of day

I have been playing with some apps today.

Here is a touch up in PS

This one is in perfect picture

And lastly camera bag

I am loving this lazy day :D

Posted by Jenny via blogpress

Monday, December 27, 2010


Here is to a man who was not afraid to show his inner child.

He wasn’t afraid to play Barbies with me and my sisterUncle Mike Playing Barbies

And he loved him some Disney World



The grocery store was also a favorite of his. When I was little and they would come down for a visit he always wanted to go to the grocery store and we would buy all the junk food we could handle.

We will miss you Uncle Mike.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


I am super excited.  Although I am sick as a dog today I had a wonderful Christmas.   
Drum Roll Please.....

Yep my hubby loves me, I can now blog from the couch.....

Oh yeah.

My parents also did a uber great job in the gift department

Who needs a Starbucks when you have this

I am going to be one wired blogger....from my couch of course.

My hubs may soon regret getting me this gift.


Soo in the new year I am hoping to blog my heart away.

  It seems I have lost some of my bloggy friends by being a major slacker. 

So no more of that my friends.

 I also got me a new phone so now I can blog on the go.....

Watch out world.

Friday, December 24, 2010

I Caved

I know I said I was just going to use a cookie mix, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Soooo

Jesus's Birthday Cake

Butterscotch bars

And peanut butter balls

Posted by Jenny via blogpress

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holiday Baking Stress

I'm Losing My Mind...

I need this T-shirt

I have been trying to make butterscotch bars for over a week now and every time I go to the store to get the one item I am missing I get home and realize I have used another item I needed in some other recipe.


I think I am going to resort to a Betty Crocker cookie mix and forgo the butterscotch squares all together

I did find this poem while looking for pics and it is pretty funny.


**T-shirt can be found at**

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Favorite app of the day

Camera bag is my new fav.

Original photo

Here is the new photo in camera bag

So stinkin cool. I know get with the program Jenny, this is probably something everyone has known about for months ;)

Posted by Jenny via blogpress

Monday, December 13, 2010

Happy Freeze Your Tail Off Day

If you live in on the west coast you are feeling my pain. Although we don't have snow and are still in the double digits in my neck of the woods it has been pretty frigid here in the south. The wind has made today not only extremely cold but semi-miserable.

Look at my poor Natvity

Poor Joseph and the wise men keep trying to blow away. My friend said earlier she hopes I don't find baby Jesus up in a tree tomorrow.

Ya'll stay warm tonight.

Posted by Jenny via blogpress

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010


My blog has been highjacked by my awesome sister-in-law Patrice! She is having fun using my iphone to blog! Patrice needs an iphone really badly....just saying!

Posted by Jenny via blogpress

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Broken Wing

My poor little Bub fractured his arm Sunday evening.  The ER visit was quick but painful for both him and us.  I hate to see anyone in pain and when it is my baby it is even worse.  

He is resting  a lot and his Ipod touch has come in very handy.  

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Testing Testing

Just testing out blogpress from my iPhone. Just got one :) any app suggestions out there ?