Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Kind of Wordless Wednesday

Update: Here is the link to the recipe:)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Heads Up
The Freeman family at Kayleigh's Story are having a very difficult time financially and they are losing their house soon. Their little girl has been in the hospital for over 9 months. So, two of their blog readers, Aubrey and Katie, have put together a giveaway/raffle in order for us to help them out a little. Go to the link below for details.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Weekend Wrap Up

Hubby raking leaves. What you don't see a rake? Look real close and you can see it ----- just kidding there is no rake. He did not feel like doing all the hard work of raking and picking up so he got out the trusty lawn mower and mowed our dead grass picking up the leaves as he goes. hehehe
Here is Bub enjoying the outdoors. It was really nice this weekend, not too hot and not too cold. During the day anyways. At night we were freezing our tails off.
This is Bub on our way to church, he has a whole Oatmeal Pie crammed in his mouth. The Breakfast of champions indeed. I know your all thinking what kind of Mom feeds her child a Oatmeal Pie and then sends him off for the Sunday school teacher to deal with hyped up on all that sugar, but he had eaten some pancakes and was being difficult getting dressed and when he asked me for it I was just trying to get him out the door and into the car so we were not late.. I caved like always..ughh
This was our first Sunday back in a long time. I had a lot of anxiety after my son was born that made it hard to be around a lot of people at one time and it has only been in the last couple years that I don't break out in a full sweat and start panicking when I am in those sort of situations. I am glad we finally went back, Bub had a blast and we went to the Contemporary service which was a lot of fun. I also enjoyed our Sunday school class. We were reading 1 Corinthians 13 1-13 about Love and in my Bible, (NLT Touch Point Bible), it has these little writings on the pages that help you better understand certain scripture and since I have a hard time with the thees, thous, and those I love my bible because my brain can process it. Anywho in this little helpful hint it tells you a good way to check your understanding of love is to substitute your own name for the word love and re read the chapter. Atleast for 1 Corinthians 13 4-8, the rest it sounds funny with my name in it:}
And of course I must end my blog with a gorgeous picture of Ginger:)

Birthday wish to my nephew Joey

Friday, February 20, 2009
"Fun Friday"
Meme I found on Greg's General Store , but originated on Kelly’s..
5 Things Found In My Bag:
*Cell Phone
*Volunteer Badge
5 Things Found In My Wallet:
*Credit Cards
*Drivers License
*Winn-Dixie Card
*Birth Certificate Card
*Cash - this is a rare occurance:)
5 Things Found In My Room:
*Various books
*Souveniers from Jamaica and Bahamas
*Hubby Stuffed animal from childhood
*Treadmill (It was the only place we could put it so I could watch T.V., cause it was not going in the living room:)
5 Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do:
*Spend the whole day at a Day Spa (I am with ya on this one Kelly)
*Visit more places in the Carribean
*Go to South Florida since ya know I live in Florida and all - LOL:)
*Swim with Dolphins
*Go back and finish my BA in psychology (only have 6 classes left, but I need inspiration and motivation to go back)
5 Things I’m Currently Into:
*Daily Devotionals (Jesus Calling, Joel O'Steen becoming a better you)
*Spending time with family and friends
Play along if you want. Have a great weekend everone:) Thanks Greg and Kelly that was fun.
Just a picture of some cute cakes I made on Valentines Day to end my post...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Zen Cupcake Mardi Gras Giveaway
The Contest ends February 24, 2009.Winner will be announced on February 25, 2009Our
Grand Prize is the Juicy Couture "Wish" Necklace. The wish is a pink cupcake!
In addition to the Grand Prize they also have:
*Jessie Steele cupcake apron "Audrey"and matching pot holders.
*A selection of Wilton cupcake decorating supplies.
*Cupcake Magnets and Cupcake Tea Lights
*Random cupcake themed prizes are up for grabs too!Zen Cupcake Mardi Gras Giveaway
Go check it out.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Don't be a litterbug

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentines Day to all:)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I am ready to get off the boat
Monday, February 9, 2009
We are home
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Heels, Deals and anxiety