I literally was going through files Saturday and came across this gem I was supposed to post in like November. Doh!!

This comparison has been a long time coming and it has taken me foreva... Ever since I received the Rickycare NYC classic beauty blender in last Decembers 2015 Ipsy bag I have been like I am gonna compare that to the beauty blender and real techniques miracle complexion sponge….yeah I know it’s been almost a year Um no like 1 year and 3months…hello procrastination…
Le sigh but I have used them a bunch with various foundations and taken notes for a couple months so aren’t you happy it’s a thorough review!! 

I have used the Real Techniques for quite sometime now and this is my second or third one. It is probably my favorite out of all the three. It is a bit dense and not as bouncy as the other two but I kinda feel like that helps get more product applied to the skin.

The beauty blender is a close second though. Although I still feel like it kind of sheers out product a bit too much sometimes but that also helps you to not achieve cake face so that’s helpful. I do not like that the pink one bleeds a lot through many washings. That kind of freaks me out that pink dye is going on my skin with my foundation.

Although the Ricky’s NYC classic beauty blender is coming in third I really think it is a very close dupe to the beauty blender. They feel and apply product very much the same. Many times I used it on one half and the beauty blender on the other and I could tell no difference. I actually might even buy this over the pink beauty blender only cause it doesn’t bleed when washed.
(This year as in 2017 LOL I actually prefer this one for under eye concealer only because it holds a bit more moisture and my under eyes are fairly dry so it helps to keeps the product from getting into any fine lines better.)

Here is a size comparison when they are dry. The NYC one is definitely a little bigger.

This is how big they are when they are all damp. (Don’t judge my poor real techniques sponge it has been through practice Halloween makeup. LOL

maybe it’s the flat side of the real techniques I love so much cause it really makes concealer so easy. (still love real techniques for concealer too just you the Ricky sponge for under eyes more in 2017
Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge Retails for $6.99
Beauty Blender Retails for $20.00
Rickycare Classic Beauty Blender Retails for $10.00
Happy Monday 
Just to clarify I bought new ones through out the year. I did not use the same sponges for a year and 3 months cause that would be gross.