Just a throwback to an old Meme. Thought it would be fun to see my answers from 2009
Tag Your it
I was tagged by H-Mama for this tag in 2009 but instagram has since ate her blog. 
A little history lesson on the meme: So here goes memememeeee, ahem: I forget what Linda said meme meant, hold on a second, o.k. I'm back it means: Memes are conduits of sameness. That is, they're thematic in nature. We're answering the same questions that have no right or wrong answers! The same! La meme! Go check out this link to see the whole explanation Viva La Meme (Linda no longer blogs
8 things I am looking forward to...
Summer Vacation (I more look forward to Spring now cause Summer is hella hot down here!!)The Beach (Always love the ocean)Swimming (Definitely especially when it is too hot to do anything else)Finishing my 30x5 having lost a few pounds so I look somewhat decent in my bathing suit for all the summer fun (I will have to look into what that was maybe I should start doing that again.) Starting on my scrapbooks when school is over with all the art work and papers from this year--I have to start at Pre-k though so this will be a task. (I um yeah not sure I completed those.
)Family time outside grilling and swimming. (Yep still love it!)Spending time with friends I have not gotten to see during the school year. (Since Bub is in college/virtual high school I get to do this during the week now! Woot Woot
)Did I mention Summer Vacation:) (I was in PFA/volunteered all the time so it was busy busy 24/7 so summer was my break too!)
8 things I did yesterday...
Tried to convince Bub it would be a fun day at school, to which he was not buying anything I was saying (LOL this happened all the time until he went full time virtual in high school. Now he likes school much more but still isn’t the biggest fan.)Set up for the honor roll cookout (Honestly I miss those days. They were hard work but us PFA ladies had a good time serving the kids.)Served honor roll lunch (See above
)Ate lunch (And you know I still do this LOL)Helped take down honor roll cookout (See above
)Checked Bub out and took him to the Dentist (We just did that in December but no checking out we just went.)Chick-Fil-A (dinner) and Grocery (Mmmm Chick-Fil-A..although I do have a bone to pick with them for getting rid of my chicken salad sandwich What The French Chick-Fil-A
and ya’ll know I hate the money stealer!!)Checked my blog, facebook, tried the whole twitter thing again--I don't get it?? (And I still don’t get twitter? Why do I want to answer someone's tweet and have the whole world read it??
8 things I wish I could do...
Sing, I think that is such an awesome gift to have (Yep still wish this!)Get a new camera so I can take better photos (Got a DSLR finally several years ago and now I want a new one. LOL)Make Hubby's life less stressful (Yeah still working on that !
)Not be so stressed myself (And still working on this as well!)Go on another vacay to the Caribbean (We did this several times but I am not sure if this was before or after this meme? I do still want to take Bub on a trip like this cause he did not get to go on the others)Organize my guest bedroom closet.. Just can't find the motivation (Done…and now it needs to be organized again
ughhh)Keep my son young a little longer, He is growing up so fast. (Um that didn’t work sigh…)Protect all the children and animals from the harsh world we live in, but I can pray for them and God will protect them for me. (Still wish this and this world has gotten much worse…why can’t people just be nice for goodness sake!!!)
8 shows I watch...
One Life To Live (cancelled
)General Hospital (Still watch it)Jon & Kate +8 (yeah not sure why I was watching that train wreck?)LOST (Miss this show so much)Grey's Anatomy (Quit watching when most of my fave characters got killed off or left)Food Network, any and all shows (Still watch it)HGTV, any and all shows (Still watch it) E, it is addictive, I usually only watch E News to see what crazy stuff the celebrities are getting into these days:) (Never watch this again why was I watching this train wreck??)So that’s it. If you want to do this meme I officially tag you!! 
**dog pic was originally from www.doggoneit.info can’t seem to find it there now**
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